The end of trade shows?

The cancellation of trade shows… What do we lose?

The organizers of professional salons, especially in the industry sector, had to resign themselves. The health pandemic has left the doors closed to the major events that mark the economic life of French industry. It is the bracketing of events to bring together the actors of the same field in the same place, at the same time.

Let’s take the example of the International Air and Space Show (SIAE), which takes place every two years at Le Bourget (Seine-Saint-Denis) in which, for 7  days, all the players in the global aeronautics and space industry come together around the latest technological innovations:

  1. The inauguration is made by the President of the Republic.
  2. The event is covered by 2,700 accredited journalists from 87 countries.
  3. There are more than 300,000 visitors, including 140,000 professionals.
  4. $140 billion in contract orders.

How do I replace such an event?

Of course, most salons are a long way from these numbers. These smaller events may benefit from an equally effective digital alternative. But which ones?


    • THE DIGITAL EVENEMENTS // To keep the link.
      • Virtual living room
      • Rendezvous B to B
      • Webinar
      • Live
      • Marketplace
    • MARKETING ACTIONS // To stand out.
      • Inbound marketing
      • Sponsored campaigns 


Virtual interaction // to keep the link.


Virtual living room

A virtual trade show, also known as an online trade show, or web show, is an event on the internet. It reproduces the functioning of a traditional physical salon with exchanges of information, with participants from all over the world.

We find the company stands, conferences, appointments B to B … Participants can connect with other participants and use the networking tools on the digital platform. For exhibitors accustomed to the contact and spontaneity of physical events, the virtual format is quite difficult to accept.

However, it is an increasing concept, due to the health pandemic and the digitalization of society. The benefits are many:

  • less travel costs.
  • a globally expanding audience.

According to a study by Tradeshow Logic, 43% of participants in a virtual trade show confirm that they no longer want to try the experience again. Blocking points for new users:

  • Has prepared overly lavish virtual communication documents
  • Learning how event platforms work
  • Lack of participation and visibility of exhibition halls
rendez-vous BtoB

Rendez-vous B to B

Physical business appointments are limited, if not impossible, for some companies. Virtual meetings become the new standard of appointments between a salesperson and his client.

Digital tools allow you to see and interact with your interlocutor through a digital medium such as Zoom, Hangout or Microsoft Teams.

Video conferencing is the combination of two techniques: video and video telephony, allowing you to see and interact with your interlocutor by interposing screen. You can share your screen or digital documents.

Gerer Du Lead


The word Webinar is a compression of web and seminar words, created to designate all forms of interactive seminar-like meetings    made via the internet. Webinar is most often positioned on technical themes to bring knowledge to prospects and customers.

The webinar allows the    speaker to interact with the participants. Digital tools (chat, instant messaging, data sharing …) allow the web of these conferences to take place.

Live Icm Industrie


The word Webinar is a compression of web and seminar words, created to designate all forms of interactive seminar-like meetings    made via the internet.

Webinar is most often positioned on technical themes to bring knowledge to prospects and customers. The webinar allows the    speaker to interact with the participants.

Digital tools (chat, instant messaging, data sharing …) allow the web of these conferences to take place.



Online marketplace is the name given to a commercial web platform that simplifies the purchase and sale of goods and services. It brings together on the same application the companies of the same professional activity. Two advantages to its use:

  • High visibility with a large portfolio of prospects
  • Fast and very effective targeting.

This channel is very interesting for the sale of products.

An effective website becomes essential.

The loss of visibility of companies pushes to optimize their referencing of their website on search engines.


Inbound marketing

Inbound marketing is based on a content creation strategy that attracts visitors to your website and blog, converting them into leads and then customers.

Sponsored campaigns

Google Ads campaigns

Google is now the most used search engine in the world, 90% of Internet users used it in 2018. So have a good referencing on google and indispensable, and Google sets the tone on the rules to put in place in the manufacture of its website to appear at the beginning of the search engine.

The google Ads, formerly Google Ad Words, is the advertising agency of Google created on October 23, 2000 in the United States. It displays ads or banner ads either on Google or on the partner network, targeted based on keywords typed by the user or according to his browsing behavior.

Google Ads

Advertising campaigns on social networks

With the proliferation of companies present on social networks, it becomes very difficult to obtain visibility organically. The various algorithms limit visibility, forcing companies to pay to be visible to prospects and to acquire new customers.

Since the beginning of 2019, the estimated reach is around 2% of the natural coverage on subscribers of corporate pages. It is therefore essential for companies to consider social media advertisements to gain visibility with competitors and to attract new prospects.

Advertising comes in a variety of forms:

  • personalized e-mailing via social network messaging
  • advertising banner or even highlighting the post.

The strength of these advertisements is the quality of targeting, guaranteed by the collection of dense and reliable data.

Linkedin Icon Png

OUR RETURN FROM EXPERIENCE // How did ICM Industry act in this new environment ?

ICM Industry like the majority of its ecosystem had to adapt to this social distancing and the cancellation of the trade shows in which it participated every year: The  SIAE at Le Bourget, the  Midest (defense fairs)  etc…

We relied on different alternatives:

  • The redesign of our website with a lace-up via a Live;
  • webinars in innovative industries;
  • Participation in virtual trade shows actions on B-to-B rdv platforms;
  • use of marketplaces.


Hydrogen Composites

with the Burgundy-Franche-Comté Hydrogen Club

Intervention of Jérôme ZURBACH , specialist in composite materials – 20 years of experience in industrial applications.

On December 17, 2020.

The description of the event:

“The composite material is a solution increasingly used in many applications because of its intrinsic properties of mechanical resistance, thermal and electrical insulation and its lightness.

Take part to discover this material, a real alternative to accompany the energy transition.

The webinar was a great success:

200 companies interested in the subject, dozens of important questions and contacts have been established.

Virtual living room


A global aerospace industry event.

Participation of Denis MILANDRE – our expert in Aeronautics

On December 1, 2, 3, 8 and 9, 2020.

23 11 2020

A first for us. We cannot talk about success, but it has allowed us to familiarize ourselves with the media and to consider new resources to be more effective.


the launch of our new website

on LinkedIn

Hosted by André CIXOUS – Marketing Manager

On March 4, 2021

Nouveau Site Internet

A new exercise that made us want to start over. A nice success that gives us ideas…

To answer the initial question, whether this is the end of trade shows? we say “NO.” Digital tools is not compensation but rather a super complementary tool.

The future will tell us, but we believe that these digital means will continue to take up space on commercial action even after the crisis.


Precious Plastic V2.0 Square1
Precious Plastic V2.0

The phenomenon of micro plastic recycling plants on a local scale instilled by Precious Plastic now has many initiatives established and still much in the pipeline.

The Precious Plastic movement has taken on an international scale and has brought together thousands of individuals because it was a response to the awareness of our waste and a concept action applicable at the individual level.

“Act to enhance, reduce and locate the transformation of industrial and household plastic. “

Precious plastic what is it?

A Dutch designer, Dave hakkens,initiated the Precious Plastic project in 2015. An “open source” movement that has made followers, and thus created a community that works with it on the design of the machines needed to achieve a chain of recycling and complete transformation of domestic and industrial plastic.

Open Source: What does this mean?

  1. Files free of rights/ or in “common creatives”: the plans of the machines are distributed free of charge on the internet or under a license free of rights.
  2. The democratization of knowledge: a whole series of tutorial videos to teach step by step to anyone how to set up their own recycling workshop.
  3. Sharing experience: A virtual and physical community that shares all the knowledge and discoveries so that anyone can benefit from it.


“In France, about 20% of plastic is recycled, which means that the remaining 80% is distributed between incineration, landfill, or unfortunately lost in the wild.”


“By 2018, man had already produced more than 9 billion tons of plastics, half of which ended up in the environment. Plastic production continues to grow and could triple by 2040.”

Revue Science, 23 juillet 2020 

“Today, 97% of what we consume is produced outdoors and 6700 kilometers away on average.”

Think Tank Utopies – Fab City Grand Paris

REHAB in Brittany


Cover, a Breton collective, working in the field of plastic recycling.

Quelques exemples de structures française.

FABUNIT in Drôme Ardèche

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THE FAB UNIT, a made in Drôme object factory open to all.

ET ICM Industrie

ICM Industry could not remain indifferent to this issue of plastic waste. We went to meet a representative of the Precious Plastic movement in Lyon, Johé Bruneau, Artist, identifiable by their interactive map on the movement’s official website.

We were able to test the grinding of PETG and PE falls in the grinder’s V2, and the extruder V4. Try to inject a few small objects.

ICM Industry has initiated a deep reflection on the reprocessing of our plastics at the end of production. When their states make them unsuitable for sale, trading or machining. They are sorted and crushed.

The machines of the Precious plastic movement give us a concrete example of the possibilities of recycling our own crushed plastics. This allows us to develop a new circular economy loop.

copeaux et injection precious plastic

The first item made was an end-of-year gift offered to our employees, little muskets. 🎁

In December 2020, we had the pleasure of sharing these internal recycling experiments with our employees. Offering small muskets directly injected from a recycled and crushed PP.

♻️ A concrete object on the recycling of plastic from our workshops.